Thursday, February 13, 2025

Gambia: Guidance Needed for Mamud Fana Cooperative Marketing Society

A society must have members. It must also have a constitution or bye-laws governing membership. Foroyaa is reliably informed that the registrar general of the department of cooperative development must receive a list of the members of a cooperative producer and marketing society (CPMS) and the members they elect before registering the society for the society to operate a secco.

A secco should not be in operation unless the people who should comprise the membership of a CPMS are identified, mobilized and enabled to elect the officers of the society to apply for registration and are duly issued with a valid certificate. Any query regarding a licence issued should be subjected to investigation to determine whether some members of a society are excluded from the decision-making process and are in sufficient number to overturn the result of an election of officers if their votes were considered.

In that regard, those excluded should be included and the membership is to conduct fresh election to determine the office holders. Foroyaa will contact the registrar general to find out why a licence was issued to the Mamud Fana CPMS and then withdrawn. We will inquire whether any investigation has been done by the department to determine the actual membership of the cooperative society in order to re-issue the licence or give further instructions for all the members to take part in the election of the office holders if the findings reveal that some members were excluded in the decision-making process.

E-Jazz News