Things Get More Awkward at Kamala HQ After More Damaging Info on New Comms Director Surfaces
We’ve extensively documented the woes at Kamala HQ over the last year or so of her time in office, and things don’t appear to be getting any better for the embattled VP as 2022 gets underway.
As we reported last week, Harris’s office got embarrassed when comments made about both Harris and Joe Biden by incoming comms director Jamal Simmons a couple of years ago found their way back into the spotlight, including criticism that Harris’s failed 2019 presidential campaign was “listless, unfocused” and a pointed observation about Biden being “dazed and confused.”
There were also tweets from Simmons back in 2010 in which he expressed a far more hardline view on illegal immigration than either Biden or Harris.
While most conservatives would agree with those assessments, it’s not exactly a good look for the person to who you’ve entrusted the management of your comms staff to be found to have disparaged his bosses and to publicly disagree with them on issues of such national import.
Simmons apologized in a Friday statement, but it will be interesting to see his and the rest of the Harris team’s reaction to more tweets surfacing where Simmons revealed himself to be a 2000 election truther:
@jpodhoretz I worked for Gore 2000 & believe W’s 1st term to have been illegitimate. Yet when in the room w/him I stood and gave ofc respect
— Jamal Simmons (@JamalSimmons) June 15, 2012
I worked for Gore. Thought W was illegitimate. Still stood for him in respect for office. Members of Congress should go to inauguration.
— Jamal Simmons (@JamalSimmons) January 6, 2017
The Trump vs Biden equivalency is wrong. Trump was an anti-Democratic huckster grifting the country while unleashing our demons. Biden is the #Democratic version of McCain – a good man I disagreed with. I thought W stole the 2000 elex but I still stood when he entered a room.
— Jamal Simmons (@JamalSimmons) January 21, 2021
Democrats, of course, will attempt to shrug this off as no big deal but it actually is when one considers their newfound “respect” for accepting election results. Though a lot of Republicans on up to former President Trump raised questions about the 2020 presidential election with Trump believing it was illegitimate, Democrats are most often the ones who will raise holy hell in elections they lose, as we saw in 2000 and 2004 with Bush, 2016 with Trump, and 2018 with Stacey Abrams.
Failed 2021 Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe got caught in this trap as well after he tried to falsely paint then-Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin as a 2020 election conspiracy theorist, but then weeks later called in Abrams, who to this day has not conceded the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial race, to come into the state and preach on the importance of voting. While she was there, both of them commented on how her election was allegedly stolen. McAuliffe also holds the same view of the 2000 election between Bush and Gore.
In any event, reporters should press Harris and her comms team to determine whether or not they believe it’s a smart practice to bring on a high-profile senior staffer who believes a prior president stole an election while at the same time the “official” stance of her office is that it’s undemocratic to do so.
We shouldn’t hold our collective breath on any such questions being asked or, if so, answered, because as we already know at this point, it’s always only been okay for Democrats to “stand on principle” in raising objections to election results, not Republicans.
Flashback: High Drama at D.C. Soup Kitchen as Joe Biden Appears to Snub Kamala