Thursday, March 13, 2025

Wrestling Star Hornswoggle Defends Jerry Jones’ M-Word Use, ‘Didn’t Need To Apologize’

Wrestling Star Hornswoggle
Defends Jerry Jones’ M-Word Use
‘Didn’t Need To Apologize’

7/28/2022 12:10 AM PT

Wrestling star Hornswoggle — who was born with a genetic condition that causes dwarfism — says Jerry Jones should not have said he was sorry for using the m-word earlier this week … explaining to this publication Sports he doesn’t find the term to be offensive.

Swoggle — real name Dylan Postl — broke it all down for us just a day after the Dallas Cowboys owner used the word while making a joke about one of his former employees who had passed away in May.

“You didn’t need to apologize to me, Jerry Jones,” the ex-WWE superstar said. “I’m a fan of yours for using the word because I use the word. Because I’m OK, and I don’t take myself too seriously.”

In his joke about Larry Lacewell, Jones said he wanted to “get me somebody, a m*****” to dress up like Dallas’ former Director of College and Pro Scouting and stand next to him at practices.

Dallas Cowboys

Little People of America — regarded as the largest dwarfism support organization in the world — was appalled by the comment, and demanded an apology. Jones issued a mea culpa a short time later.

Hornswoggle, though, says he hopes Jerry continues to use the word — telling us, “He’s not using it in a derogatory way. That’s my thing. He’s not making fun of the community with how he’s using it.”

Swoggle added, “If you get offended by something like that, you’re taking yourself way too seriously. We’re all human. We all bleed the same blood. It’s just ridiculous to me.”

“It’s absolutely ridiculous.”

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