Friday, February 14, 2025

Beth Chapman’s Daughters Sue Over Memorial Fund, Dog Calls it BS

Beth Chapman
Daughters Sue Over Memorial Fund …
Dog Calls BS

1/10/2023 12:50 AM PT

dog the bounty hunter, beth chapman, cecily chapman, and bonnie chapman

When Dog the Bounty Hunter‘s late wife, Beth Chapman, died … a memorial fund was set up in her name, but now her daughters are dragging its founder to court.

Bonnie Chapman and Cecily Barmore just filed suit against Rainy Robinson — who was Beth’s best friend and costar on “Dog’s Most Wanted” — because they claim she’s been running a charity fund baring their mother’s name/likeness … but has been enriching herself instead.

In the suit, obtained by this publication, Bonnie and Cecily allege Rainy has been soliciting donations for years — starting shortly after Beth died of cancer in 2019 — and that, lately, she’s been falsely promising to transfer ownership of the fund to the girls, but never actually did it.

Rainy and Beth

That’s a big problem for Beth’s daughters … in the suit, they allege Rainy’s been acting in bad faith — never intending to hand over the fund, and instead, starting the process to quietly dissolve the charity.

According to the suit, Rainy made several social media posts about turning over operations of the fund to Bonnie and Cecily, but wen their attorneys demanded an accounting of how she’s been using the money … she reversed course and never followed through on the transfer.

The daughters are suing to block the use of their names and images for the charity and want at least $50K in damages.

Rainy tells this publication she’s been trying to have the girls head the fund since their mom died … but claims they distanced themselves without explanation. Rainy also says the fund has had good intentions all along, including creating a scholarship and a victim fund for families whose loved ones were murdered.

She also claims she told Bonnie and Cecily they could have the fund, but that they’d need to contact her directly … which they didn’t do. Rainy says she now plans to shut it down.

Dog tells this publication … “This is a bogus claim. The memorial fund was approved by Beth’s estate, which I administrate. The lawsuit against the fund’s founder is nothing more than harassment.”

E-Jazz News