English Teaching Forum 2020, Volume 58, Number 2
The authors provide detailed guidance, with examples, for using outlining strategies to develop learners’ rhetorical prosody and ability to structure talks.
Vance Schaefer and Linda Abe
The Art of Imitation: How to Use Outlines to Teach Rhetorical Prosody and Structure
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The authors demonstrate how teachers can use free, level-appropriate content found on Simple English Wikipedia to develop skills in reading, contextualized grammar, and writing.
Katrina J. Schmidt and Emma Rye
Simple English Wikipedia: Free Resources for Beginner to Intermediate Levels
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U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents
This guide is designed to enrich your reading of the articles in this issue. You may choose to read them on your own, taking notes or jotting down answers to the discussion questions below. Or you may use the guide to explore the articles with colleagues.
International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.
U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.
This article gives suggestions for applying the concept of literature circles to audiovisual media rather than to literary works as a way to support learner autonomy and interaction with the target language.
Adam Brazenas
Media Circles: Lively, Learner-Led Lessons
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U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.
The author discusses challenges related to teaching register in EFL contexts and uses specific examples to suggest strategies to overcome those challenges.
Richard Schlight
Teaching Register to EFL Writers: Formality and Deference in Written Communication
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U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.
Most English teachers are familiar with mingles; Mingle Bingo adds a layer of fun in an activity that can be used as an icebreaker or as a way to reinforce language skills.
Suzan Arrer and Aliya Saduovna Zholdabayeva
International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. Embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.
U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.
Learn how Mohamed Lekrama uses various teaching strategies, including reflection, with his students at the International University of Grand-Bassam.
Elaine Kerry
My Classroom: Cote D’Ivoire
This is a step-by-step guide to carrying out a versatile, well-scaffolded activity that can improve learners’ speaking skills and keep them engaged through the use of stories and jokes with surprising and unexpected endings.
Wendy Coulson
Story Retelling with a Twist
International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.
U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.
This puzzle is similar to a word search, but instead of looking for individual words, you look for complete questions and answers. Can you find them all?
The Lighter Side: Q & A Search
International Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is distributed through U.S. embassies. If you would like to subscribe to the print version of English Teaching Forum, please contact the Public Affairs or Cultural Affairs section of the U.S. Embassy in your country.
U.S. Subscriptions: English Teaching Forum is exempted from the Congressional restriction on distribution of Department of State-produced materials in the United States. U.S. residents who want to order the printed edition can order from the U.S. Superintendent of Documents.