Alex Jones Reinstated on X After Elon Musk Poll


Alex Jones
Reinstated on X
… After Elon Musk Poll

12/10/2023 10:26 AM PT

Artistes Alex Jones

Alex Jones is back on X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk randomly decided to leave it to a vote among users to see how they felt about it … and as they say, the people have spoken.

The notorious conspiracy theorist — who infamously questioned the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook shooting, and got taken to court over it — regained control of his account again late Saturday after being removed from the platform years ago.

Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform?

Vox Populi, Vox Dei.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 9, 2023

This all happened back in 2018 when tech companies banned him en masse. At the time, he was embroiled in defamation lawsuits from the families of the Sandy Hook victims … but that controversy, in and of itself, wasn’t why he got banned — different orgs. cited different reasons, but it all boiled down to what they said were violations of their policies.

For Twitter — the last social media company to ban him — they ended up citing abusive behavior by Jones and his account … similar to what the other companies ended up saying.

The people have spoken and so it shall be

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 10, 2023

In any case, Musk reversed the decision with a poll. He wrote, “Reinstate Alex Jones on this platform? Vox Populi, Vox Dei.” After leaving the poll up for a full day, the results came in — and out of nearly 2 million people that participated, 70% said he oughta be brought back.

Once the poll wrapped, EM wrote … “The people have spoken and so it shall be.” He also responded to some concerned users who felt Jones could potentially pose a threat on X — but Elon clarified, “He cannot break the law.” So, it sounds like AJ will be monitored.

To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero – tell a globalist to get fucked today.

Ill do exactly that and put all the video on

Were so back.

— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) December 10, 2023

Jones hasn’t tweeted any new original content after being reinstated, but he has retweeted a few people who are celebrating his return — including Andrew Tate, who wrote … “To show respect to Alex Jones for his triumphant return and to show respect to Elon being a hero –  tell a globalist to get f****d today.” Jones has retweeted other far-right figures too.

Jones continues to run his InfoWars website and channel, and broadcasts his program from there daily — but, he doesn’t have mainstream distribution on social media or otherwise.

He remains controversial for many reasons, some of which he addressed in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson … who sat down with Jones for a wide-ranging interview.

Now that he has a big platform again, we’ll see what he says … and if he goes too far for Elon’s taste. These days, the guy seems to be embracing a wide range of speech, period.

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