Floyd Mayweather Goes To Israel, Hangs W/ IDF, Prays At Western Wall


Floyd Mayweather
Visits Israel …
Prays At Western Wall, Hangs W/ IDF

3/14/2024 12:20 AM PT

Music Floyd Mayweather Goes To Israel

Floyd Mayweather sent thousands of pounds of supplies to Israel in October, and now the boxing legend has delivered himself … touching down in Tel Aviv, and lifting the spirits of soldiers, rescue workers, and civilians.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack, you’d be hard-pressed to find a celebrity more outwardly supportive of the Israeli cause than the 50-0 fighter … but Floyd wanted to do more, so he hopped on his private jet and flew to Israel, where he recently touched down in Tel Aviv.

Mayweather has been all over the place, including a stop at an Israel Defense Forces base where we’re told he hosted a BBQ for the military!

Of course, Floyd’s one of the greatest boxers ever … and since the IDF base had a boxing ring, Mayweather sparred with some of the IDF. No word if he took his first L.

Floyd also made a stop at the headquarters of United Hatzalah, an ambulatory service, in Jerusalem … in addition to the Magen David Adom blood bank.

Music Floyd Mayweather In Israel

Mayweather, who is in Israel with friends Jona Rechnitz and Avi Hiaeve (of Avi & Co.), spent time at the Western Wall, a holy site … where we’re told he prayed for peace.

Floyd was gifted a custom blinged-out TMT kippah from Rabbi Steven Burg, in addition to an awesome Star of David necklace pendant from the jewelers at Diamond Club Miami.


Last but not least, Mayweather received a one-of-a-kind painting as well … which was presented to him, from Israeli musician Osher Cohen.

Music Floyd Mayweather Goes To Israel

And, trip’s not even done yet!

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