Otter Chases Family After Allegedly Attacking Child, Video Shows


Otter Madness
Critter Chases Mom, Kids …
After Attacking Young Boy

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It was otter pandemonium at a marina in Washington state, where an aggressive otter menacingly chased after a mother and her young children after allegedly nearly drowning one of the kids.

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New video shows the otter running after the mom and her kids, as they try to escape down the dock.

Moments before, the otter had reportedly dragged this woman’s young boy off the dock and into the water … nearly drowning the child.

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The incident happened last month in Seattle but the video is just now coming out … and the mom looks otter-ly terrified here, and for good reason. Her son was taken to a hospital after suffering injuries from the otter’s bites and scratches.

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It’s the second time we’ve seen otters get aggressive with people recently … over in Malaysia, a female jogger was ambushed by a pack of otters, who left her a bloodied and crying mess.

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Next time you see an otter, guess you otter watch out!!!

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