Tuesday, April 1, 2025

‘Naked and Afraid’ Contestant Has Stitches Removed From Butt


‘Naked and Afraid’ Contestant
Gets 17 Stitches Removed From Butt
… Hey, That’s My G-Spot!!!


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“Naked and Afraid” contestant Jarrell Banks had to go all the way to a remote wilderness in the Philippines to find his G-spot … getting more than a dozen stitches removed from his rear in the middle of filming.

this publication obtained this exclusive clip from Sunday’s upcoming episode of “Naked and Afraid” and you see Jarrell getting his sutures plucked out his butt … including a couple stitches that were extremely close to his anus.

Ya gotta see the video … Jarrell looks into the camera and explains the feeling is like nothing he’s ever experienced before … joking about finally locating his G-spot.

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The rookie survivalist from Seattle is attempting to survive 21 days in Anuplig Falls … but a snowboarding injury two weeks before filming meant he had to come to the Philippines with stitches in his butt.

Lead medic Dr. Rananda removed the sutures after examining Jarrell and determining his wound was fully healed … and the two got very acquainted.

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Jarrell’s pushing through hunger, fire ants, and stitches in his butt crack … and he tells folks at home why they shouldn’t pick up a snowboard.

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“Naked and Afraid” airs Sunday at 8PM ET/PT on Discovery Channel.

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