Thursday, March 13, 2025

Amber Heard Testifies About Poop in Bed, Blames Depp’s Dog

Amber Heard
Testifies About Poop in Bed …
Depp’s Dog Ate Some Weed

5/16/2022 7:55 AM PT


11:54 AM PT — Amber was just questioned about her promised payments to The ACLU and Children’s Hospital as part of her $7 million divorce settlement … saying she had to stop donating after Johnny filed the $50 million lawsuit against her.


8:23 AM PT — Amber just testified about a fight she and Depp had around her 30th bday. Saying Depp grabbed her by her pubic bone, and asked, “You wanna be tough like a man?” She says things got so bad, she had to use the couple’s safe word, “Couch” to get him to stop.”


Amber Heard says she isn’t to blame for the poop found in Johnny Depp‘s bed … instead blaming the actor’s dog, who Heard claims was experiencing some serious bowel issues after eating weed.

Amber’s back on the stand Monday, after a week-long break, and her defense team just brought up the infamous incident. Heard says the dog, Boo, who was a puppy at the time had gotten into Johnny’s marijuana stash.

Heard says before she and her girlfriends left for Coachella, the dogs were up on the bed, and that’s when Boo crapped in the bed.

Of course, Johnny had a much different explanation of what he believed had happened — saying the doo-doo was too big for his tiny dog to produce. He says it looked like it was from a human, and it was, “so outside, so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh.”


Starling Jenkins, who worked as a driver for Depp around the time of Coachella, claimed Heard had told him she was involved in a prank gone wrong … but Amber just testified saying that’s just not possible, because she wasn’t in a pranking mood, she was in the process of leaving her husband.

Originally Published — 7:55 AM PT

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