Saturday, March 15, 2025

Angelina Jolie Behind FBI Lawsuit Against Brad Pitt, Brad Sources Call BS

Angelina Jolie
Behind FBI Lawsuit Against Brad Pitt
… Pitt Sources Call BS

8/16/2022 10:28 AM PT

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie may be trying to run Brad Pitt‘s name through the mud all over again, because the information she’s trying to obtain through the FBI and a FOIA request is allegedly info to which she was already privy … sources close to Brad tell this publication.

Puck published a story Tuesday, claiming to have seen the details of Angie’s FOIA lawsuit against the FBI. In its report, Puck says it’s viewed the suit — which has since been sealed — which claims Brad put hands on Angelina and poured beer on her while in flight.

The lawsuit was filed anonymously back in April, but there were signs the person who filed was Angelina. We’ve now confirmed she was indeed the one who filed the lawsuit.

Our Brad sources say AJ’s had the info for years, and believe she’s only filed the FOIA lawsuit to get the press talking about the allegations against Brad again.

brad pitt angelina jolie maddox

The lawsuit reportedly claims Brad grabbed Angelina by the shoulders and shook her violently while yelling, “You’re f***ing up this family.” Of course, this was the same flight where Brad allegedly put his hands on the couple’s oldest son, Maddox, in 2016. Angelina has claimed Brad struck Maddox, something he has denied.

We’ve obtained documents from the FBI investigation which clearly state that FBI agents met with reps from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and state, “It was agreed by all parties that criminal charges in this case would not be pursued due to several factors.”

Our Brad sources say he was cleared because there was not a shred of evidence to support the claims made by Angelina.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles had no comment.

E-Jazz News