Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Bigfoot Sighting in Colorado Shows Clear Video of ‘Sasquatch’ Walking


CO Sighting Shows ‘Sasquatch’ …
Blending Into Mountain!!!

10/11/2023 7:09 AM PT


BIGFOOT IS REAL!!!!! That, or is this just another silly hoax … you decide.

Check out this clip that’s making the rounds, which purports to capture a real sasquatch sighting in Colorado. The video was apparently shot over the weekend during a steam-engine train ride from Durango to Silverton … cutting through the San Juan National Forest.

As they were chugging along, it seems a group of passengers noticed what they believed to be Biggie walking along on the side of a mountain they were passing … and they caught him.

Watch … it certainly looks like a bipedal creature making its way through, and it even appears to notice the train — spurring the beast to immediately crouch down in an attempt to blend in with its environment. We’ll be honest, he does a good job of that … it’s uncanny.

Music bigfoot

During this same instance, a separate passenger snapped a still image … although, it’s unclear if it’s the same bigfoot that’s on video here, or a completely different one. In any case, with that photo … you can kinda make out what looks to be an actual face!

Of course, despite this being fairly decent footage of the famed bigfoot … many are still skeptical and not buying it, feeling like this is probably just a person in a gorilla costume.

We’ll say this .. it’s definitely one of the better purported sightings out there — and funny enough, it actually kinda resembles the best video known to exist … the notorious Patterson-Gimlin film that was shot way back in the late ’60s, and which still has people torn.

He’s been the hide-and-seek champ for years — but that reign is over. We see ya, buddy. 😅

this publication.com

Do you think the video is real proof bigfoot exists? Vote below.

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