Burkina Faso: Schools reopen after 2nd military takeover
After a weekend of unrest, children were back in school in the capital Ouagadougou, on Monday, October 03.
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Burkina Faso
After a weekend of unrest, Burkinabe children were back in school, Monday.
The Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Education confirmed Sunday, the start of the school year after a cabinet meeting with coup leader Ibrahim Trarore.
If parents in Ouagadougou rejoiced to see schools open, they remained worried.
“Given what’s happened during the last two days, we were doubtful about the reopening”, Aïcha Compaoré said.
“But with the confirmation of the new president, I mean of the new head of the transitional government, he reassured us. And since security is the priority for the kids, it’s actually reassuring”, the mother added.
Over the past 15 years, primary education access indicators nearly doubled in Burkina, according to the UNICEF.
However, consequences of the covid outbreak and the jihadist insurgency destabilizing the country spark fears of regression. The start of the school year 2022-2023, is even more worth celebrating.
“We gave thanks for being able to welcome children again”, a school missionary exclaimed delighted.
“Until Saturday we were worried, but the anxiety and the upheaval were lifted overnight. Some parents called us during the night, we said yes the school will open again, it is still happening”, the consecrated religious sister explained.
In the nation of 16 million people, challenges are numerous. Bring peace for the next generation to get educated and bring about a brighter future is just one of them.
Additional sources • Unicef