Monday, March 10, 2025

Cardi B Dolls Will Not Be Released Due to COVID, Quality Concerns

Cardi B
Dolls Won’t Be Released …
Due to Covid Delays, Quality

12/18/2021 1:00 AM PT

Cardi B is delivering some bad news to fans hoping to get their hands on one of her dolls … the product won’t be released over production delays and concerns about the product’s quality.

Here’s the deal … Cardi and Real Women Are — a fashion doll brand — joined forces to make a limited edition Cardi B doll, which they started taking pre-orders for in March at $35 a pop, but shipping deadlines were missed and folks started thinking it was all a scam.

The Real Women Are Instagram started to get flooded with unhappy customers wanting to know where their Cardi B-inspired doll was and demanding refunds.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Welp, brace yourself Bardi gang.

The role of Grinch will now be played by a rep for Cardi B, who tells this publication … the dolls will not be released as a result of COVID-related manufacturing and shipping delays. We’re also told Cardi herself had concerns the dolls wouldn’t meet her high-quality standards.

We’re told CB asked the company to refund all pre-sale purchases and RWA agreed — and Cardi’s encouraging anyone who shelled out $35 for a doll to immediately request their refund, if they haven’t already.

E-Jazz News