Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Carol Natongo swears not to be friends with Lydia Jazmine again

The stunning vocalist Carol Nantongo has sworn she will never be friends with Lydia Jazmine again, her former best friend and fellow vocalist. These two broke up early in the year and have no intention of getting back together.

Among the few performers who have attempted to become best friends are Jazmine and Carol. It is really uncommon to find artists that close.

They used to hang together, and rumors had it that they even stayed together when Jazmine was having issues following a robbery. They had lost each other as friends in the blink of an eye.

There are rumors that the incident involving the artists was about men, but it is unclear exactly what transpired. She is not the type of person who, in Carol’s opinion, will publicly discuss their friendship.

She declared that she doesn’t mind if people believe anything they hear about them. She did, however, promise not to make the same error twice. Since Lydia Jazmine stabbed her in the back after supporting her, they will never be friends.

“I can’t lie, we were best friends but with whatever happened we will never be friends again. I can’t repeat the mistake twice unless there is something going on within me,”

E-Jazz News