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Copyright, Alien Skin, Big 3: Highlights From Bobi Wine’s State Of The Art Address

Bobi Wine has on 1st April 2023 called a press conference to address the issues that had accumulated over time in regard to the music industry in Uganda.

The Ghetto Gladiator told the media that his team realized that there was a long list of concerns in the entertainment industry many of which were about him and that he had to address these, ranging from policies for the industry, the story of the big three(Bobi WIne, Bebe Cool & Chameleone) to his latest release, Nalumansi that has received mixed reactions. Here are some of the highlights from the event:

Easter Event At Busabala

When asked on whether he is planning on any concert at his one love beach, Bobi wine said he is planning something for his music fans for easter celebrations. The question was based on the fact that Bobi Wine used to hold an easter holiday event at one love beach busabala as his nemesis Bebe Cool did the same at his Kiwatule venue. Bobi confirmed that he won’t be having any concerts at the beach anytime soon. He used the opportunity to hit at Bebe Cool for bragging that he is better than Bobi yet Bobi is unable to perform.

The Big 3

Bobi Wine decide to cut the Big 3 question short saying it was no longer relevant. He said that he competed with Chameleone and Bebe Cool 2o years ago and that there is a new generation that has since taken on the mantle. Bobi asked the media not to reduce the music industry to only three people who are no longer as active as they used to be. He said he knows over 100 big artistes in the country further adding that he’s not even competing with Bebe Cool and Chameleone as he has “always been better than them in everything, academically, physically, philosophically, musically & financially” EJazz Media reporter reports.

Alien Skin

As one of the most trending artistes in Uganda today, Alien Skin has been referred to as the “New Bobi Wine” given the fact that he has posed with several similarities with the original Bobi Wine including his Ghetto kid behavior among others. Bobi Wine when asked to comment about Alien Skin’s behavior especially the violence and drug abuse, Bobi said he sees a lot of talent in Alien Skin and asked the world to give him a chance. He, however, cautioned Alien and all the other young artistes out there to bare in mind that their actions today have repercussions in the future emphasizing that he also did drugs when he was Alien’s age. Bobi added that while growing up, he was given very many second chances adding that kids from the Ghetto have different backgrounds further asking the public not to dismiss them early. He advised kids looking upto him to copy his good habits and abandon the bad ones.


A bitter Bobi Wine said he appointed his MP, Hillary Kiyaga aka Dr. Hilderman, as the shadow minister for art and culture to formulate policies that would get the copyright law working in Uganda. He however added that nevertheless, copyright wouldn’t be implemented in Uganda “as long as the country is still under President Museveni, because he wants artistes to stay poor”.

His Friends That Were ‘Bought’

Bobi Wine said that after making his political intentions clear, the government ran into fear and decided to buy off his immediate friends like butcherman thinking that it would stop him. He gave an example of a thief who snatches a bag and runs and when you choose to chase him he chooses to throw some of the money and other people will stop chasing the person and lose focus. He also warned the artistes to be mindful of the legacy they leave behind.

Uganda Musicians Association

Bobi Wine expressed his discontent about the status of the association(as it’s first general secretary) that has had an interim committee for several months after a failed election. He said the association is being used by the government to attack him. He also advised that the association shouldn’t be kneeling before the president for funds.

His No Show At Chameleone’s Concert

Bobi Wine was asked why he “never expressed compassion for his fellow singer Chameleoene” after his stage fell on the date of his concert and he said he actually reached out in person. He however added that of late, he is focusing more on national matters that benefit more people and that this could be one of the reasons he doesn’t comment on everything that happens in the country. Reports obtained by EJazz Media also quote Bobi Wine saying he never attended Chameleone’s Gwanga mujje concert because of the immorality that was exhibited at the concert where Chameleone kissed his brother Weasel on stage.

Artistes Complaining The Bobi Wine is not accessible these days

Bobi Was asked about artistes’ complaints that he no longer has time for fellow artistes who want to see him including those who were once friends with him. He responded saying, that is quite sad that he’s busier with “national matters” of late and that he barely has enough free time. He however added that whenever he has time, he reaches out to his friends and also welcomes those that come to him. He expressed his sadness about missing his longtime friend Butcherman who he says was too funny during his time at firebase.

The Future Of Firebase

Bobi Wine asked fellow artiste and Close friend Nubian Li to expound on that and Nubian said the Music Group is still here and will continue to raise more talent. He emphasized that doors at firebase are open for artistes that want to work with them further expressing his concern about other artistes fearing to work with Firebase given their political beliefs. Nubian Li also used the same opportunity to assure the public that he is an independent artsite who does what he wants at any time, this was in response to a question that his career was dependent on Bobi Wine.

The Ghetto President Movie Premiere

Bobi Wine said that the movie(which documents his life from the past six years) that is still having screenings in different countries as a way of promotion further addin that the movie will be premiered by the Nat Geo channel and will be available for the whole world to view it.

His latest Song Nalumansi

Ever since it was released, there have been mixed reactions to the quality of Bobi Wine’s latest song Nalumansi. Before asking Dan Magic the producer of the song to respond, Bobi wine said the reactions the song got are signs of a powerful song and that he was sure the message had been delivered to the rightful people. “I’ve never seen a song that gets all critics responding in less than 2 hours after it has been released” – he said adding that the song is also more philosophical and therefore won’t be easy for many people to understand. When asked on who he was singing about in the song, Bobi says the song is a love song with a hidden philosophical meaning adding that whoever feels like the shoe fits, should gladly put it on. Bobi wine also made it clear that well as many critics were advising him to “return to his original producers, Tony Houls & Paddy Man”, the two were actually part of the making of the song stressing that some critics just hate him.

The producer of the song Dan Magic had no kind words for critics who dissed the song and called it “bogus”. He advised them to use sober minds next time they choose to critic his art. He further explained that revolutionary artistes world over use identical sounds in their music and that this was the path they are taking as they do their music.


Bobi concluded his address by asking the media not to separate his artistry side from the political ones saying this is a move by the government. He added that everyting that is referred to as polticial is something that concerns each and every citizen for example fuel prices. On the funny side of things when asked why “he gave fellow Singer Ronald Mayinja a beret that didn’t fit him well”, Bobi wine said that was a cross for Eddie Mutwe(his aide) to carry saying he was the one who had given Mayinja the beret. “I am not responsible for Eddie Mutwe’s Big head or Mayinja’s Small one” he laughed it off. He also added that one of his favourite songs currently is Lockdown by Alien Skin.

E-Jazz News