Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Gambia: Technical and Vocational Education for Gambian Youth

The African Union’s heads of state and government adopted the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 2016-2025) as the framework for a transformative education and training system in Africa.

They have further requested member states and partners to promote the alignment of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) skills and to expand TVET opportunities. Aware of the potential that TVET represents for sustainable development, the Government of The Gambia is currently reforming its TVET sector. The TVET units of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education are currently developing their respective curriculum frameworks, which will serve as guidelines for teachers and set the standards and regulations that will ensure that TVET education is mainstreamed into the overall education system of The Gambia.

In line with CESA and its TVET strategy, UNESCO Dakar has partnered with the Gambian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST), the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) and other key stakeholders in the Gambian education sphere to reinforce the TVET system in the country through the implementation of this project.

This project aims to contribute to the development of sustainable, affordable, accessible, relevant and quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in The Gambia through the following results:

Relevance of the TVET system strengthened through supporting the development of the TVET policy in The Gambia.

Quality of TVET improved through enhanced TVET institutions management, TVET teacher training and provision of pedagogical resources and equipment.

Perception and attractiveness of TVET pathways improved through skills competitions, an incubator system and communications campaigns.

The project will have an impact on the whole TVET system through actions such as the development of an improved TVET Policy and TVET EMIS and communication strategies to improve TVET perception.

Besides, specific TVET skills and areas will be targeted by the project through targeted measures: equipment provision (Computer Science); review and development of curricula (Carpentry and Joinery, Electrical Installation, Motor Mechanics, Welding and Fabrication, Plumbing an Pipe fitting, Building Construction, Further and Adult Education and Teacher Training, Road Construction, Industrial Electronics and Web Application Development) and the celebration of Skills Competitions to enhance TVET visibility and positive perception (electrical installation, fashion and designing, refrigeration and air conditioning amongst

The overall goal of the project is to create an enabling environment that will give young people, especially girls, a better chance of finding decent employment by providing them with lifelong learning opportunities as recommended by SDGs 4 and 8, through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

The direct beneficiaries of this project are Gambian institutions such as the Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI).

The National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority of The Gambia (NAQAA), Policymakers, private sector stakeholders and Teaching staff in TVET institutions, including TVET institutions leaders.

At least 1,000 young Gambians will benefit indirectly from this project.

The expected results will be achieved through the development of the following activities:

1.Development and approval of a TVET Policy,development and review of TVET curricular.

2.Provision of modernindustry-standard equipment for training and upgrading of teacher trainings.

3.Create teacher training institutions.

4.Strengthening of the management information System (EMIS) creation of an incubator systemorganization of a Regional (RSC) and National Skills Competition (NSC)

5.Development of a guidance and communication strategy to change the perceptions of TVET.

Each activity is being carried out by an ‘activity cluster’, conformed by a UNESCO expert/technical institute and the most relevant technical unit/Directorate in The Gambia.

Source-Youth News

E-Jazz News