Friday, March 7, 2025
World News

Hong Kong authorities probe suspected sale of dog meat amid uproar over vendor’s social media advert

Hong Kong authorities have opened an investigation into an online trader suspected of selling dog meat, after internet users raised concerns over one of the business’ adverts on social media.

“Some advertisements posted by some online shops in relation to suspected sale of dog meat were detected,” the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said on Sunday.

A spokesman also said the department intended to work alongside police during the investigation.

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Authorities took on the case after social media users flagged an advert on the Facebook page of a vendor that offered “fresh and delicious” and “high quality” dog meat for HK$328 (US$42) per kilogram.

The advert prompted a furious response from internet users, with about 2,700 of the Facebook post’s 2,800 reactions being the “angry face” emoji.

The Post observed that the advert has been shared more than 500 times so far, with most of those sharing the content calling for other users to report the business to authorities.

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Thousands also tagged local police, as well as the Centre for Food Safety and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department in posts on the subject.

But the vendor’s reaction was positive and wrote online: “Thank you, everyone. Sharing the post only lets more people know [about the dog meat]. Negative fans are still fans.”

The business has declined to comment after being contacted by the Post.

The slaughter and sale of dog and cat meat is illegal in Hong Kong, with offenders facing up to six months in prison and a maximum fine of HK$5,000.

E-Jazz News