Sunday, March 9, 2025

Kylie Jenner Says She’s Changing Baby’s Name From Wolf

Kylie & Travis
Our Baby’s Name Isn’t Wolf Anymore
… Didn’t Seem to Suit Him

3/21/2022 4:55 PM PT

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott are going back to the drawing board on baby names … she says they are changing their newborn son’s name from Wolf.

Kylie made the announcement Monday, explaining she and Travis just really didn’t feel like the name suited their son, who is not yet 7 weeks old. So, he can’t say he was attached to Wolf.

It’s unclear what Kylie and Travis are calling their boy now — she’s only saying it’s not Wolf and they wanted folks to know because Kylie is apparently tired of seeing him referred to by that name.

As we first told you … the baby’s full name at birth was Wolf Jacques Webster and it’s on the kid’s birth certificate, so there will be a legal process to changing his name.

Little baby boy Webster’s middle name, Jacques, is actually Travis’ birth name … so it will be interesting to see if his parents only change one name, or wipe the slate clean and start all over from scratch.

So long, Wolf, it was nice to know ya.

E-Jazz News