Namibia: Informal Settlement Houses Flooded

Residents of Windhoek’s informal settlements are once again suffering losses after the heavy downpours in the capital over the weekend.

The City of Windhoek has blamed those who built their houses in areas that are not suitable for living. Harold Akwenye, City spokesperson said, “all I can say is, our people do not want to listen and now they are suffering.”

According to Khomasdal constituency councillor Samuel Angolo, the impact of the flash floods that occurred on Sunday, included damage to property, destruction of the environment and loss of livelihoods.

Informal settlement residents whose homes were hit by heavy downpours on Sunday have described their living conditions as a nightmare.

Flooded roads, damage to homes, roads and fallen trees were reported in the informal settlements of Windhoek on Sunday.

Angolo yesterday said teams of relevant stakeholders were on site conducting an assessment to determine the destruction caused in Otjomuise Agste Laan, Otjomuise – Frankfurt Street and Otjomuise Sewende Laan.

“The Khomas Regional Council is currently conducting a rapid assessment to determine the number of people who have been affected. This information will be released accordingly after the assessment,” he explained.

He said most of the victims are residents who went to occupy the land where others were removed by the City of Windhoek last year, to decrease exposure to flooding and suffering severe damage to their properties.

Last year, more than 200 residents of informal settlements in Windhoek were relocated to avoid shacks being flooded and some residents said the decision was commendable as they had sleepless nights.

“Our people have decided to go and stay at the place where others were relocated from. But as I said, the comprehensive report will be issued once the assessment is completed,” he said.

Angolo could not determine the number of people affected, saying the investigations are underway.

Akwenye said the city is still investigating the matter and will release the report as soon as the investigation is completed.

E-Jazz News