Saturday, March 1, 2025

‘Narco Wig’ Smuggler’s $10K Plan Falls Flat, Busted at Colombia Airport


‘Narco Wig’ Smuggler
$10K Plan Falls Flat At Airport
That’s One Bad Hair Day!!!


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Facebook / Policía Nacional de los Colombianos

Colombia’s national police were in for a hair-raising shock when they busted a man trying to board a plane wearing a “Narco wig” — a disguise hiding $42 million Colombian Pesos — about 10K USD — worth of illicit goods.

The unnamed 40-year-old man, hailing from Colombia’s Coffee Region, got snagged by authorities just before boarding his flight to Amsterdam at Cartagena’s Rafael Núñez International Airport — after a security scanner exposed nine cocaine capsules cleverly camouflaged beneath a synthetic thick black wig.

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Don’t believe it? Well, there’s video proof of authorities thwarting his criminal scheme — carefully snipping away at the wig to reveal all the cocaine stashed underneath.

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The National Police said in a press release that busting the guy prevented the sale of over 400 doses of cocaine — worth more than 10,000 euros in European markets.

The man was a seasoned pro with two prior drug trafficking charges — and another one about to be slapped on.

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Authorities haven’t linked him to any criminal org just yet … but they suspect he’s working for someone, and investigators are hoping to uncover their identity in due course.

As for the wig … safe to say it’s not making it through customs anytime soon.

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