Pennywise Lurks Around Every Corner in This Terrifying New It-Themed Escape Room

Turns out you don’t have to travel to Derry, Maine, to feel the wrath of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Las Vegas is now home to “Escape IT,” a new It-themed escape room from Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment and Egan Escape Productions. How scary can it be? Pictures suggest VERY VERY SCARY.
From the press release, we learn that “Escape IT” covers 30,000 square feet and aims to offer “a revolutionary new take on the traditional escape room experience, offering fans two multi-room escape adventures” inspired by both It and It: Chapter Two. (Only the first section of the attraction is now open; Chapter Two is coming later this year.) All that square footage encompasses “more than 20 interactive rooms, state-of-the-art special FX, lighting, animatronics, and live actors;” visitors will be guided through a quest to help search for all those kids who’ve gone missing in Derry. Scenes from the movie they’ll be immersed in include “Neibolt House, Quality Meats, the ‘Three Doors’ room, the Clown Funeral Room, and even the sewer tunnels below Derry,” all with Pennywise in pursuit, which absolutely sounds like a combination that will create nightmares and possibly actual psychic damage for years to come. In other words: awesome!
Plus, as a bonus, “Escape IT” will feature midway games for that full carnival experience, plus a retail store presumably stuffed with all the clown merch you could ever want. You know, just in case you need a few more clowns in your life after fleeing through a sewer from the scariest one of all.
Here are the details on tickets and timing, then click through (if you dare) for some bone-chilling images of what to expect: Tickets for Thursday and Friday start at $54.99, while tickets for Saturday and Sunday start at $59.99; reservations are required. Hours are Thursday, 4-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m.-midnight; Sunday 4-11 p.m. It’s located in Las Vegas off Symphony Parkway and Martin Luther King Blvd. For more information, check out