Friday, February 21, 2025
World News

Politics Podcast: What To Expect Between Now And Election Day

Labor Day traditionally marks the point at which general election campaigning truly ramps up — summer vacation is over, TV ads flood the airways and pollsters switch their models from registered voters to likely voters. In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, the crew discusses how they expect the next few months leading up to the midterm elections to play out, based on historical trends.​​ They then play a game of midterm trivia, reviewing the largest midterm election swings, key policy issues and how Americans have followed past midterm news.

The team also analyzes the media attention surrounding the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recently published life expectancy report for 2021 and the political implications of falling life expectancy beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can listen to the episode by clicking the “play” button in the audio player above or by downloading it in iTunes, the ESPN App or your favorite podcast platform. If you are new to podcasts, learn how to listen.

The FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast is recorded Mondays and Thursdays. Help new listeners discover the show by leaving us a rating and review on iTunes. Have a comment, question or suggestion for “good polling vs. bad polling”? Get in touch by email, on Twitter or in the comments.

Galen Druke is FiveThirtyEight’s podcast producer and reporter. @galendruke

Sarah Frostenson is FiveThirtyEight’s politics editor. @sfrostenson

Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux is a senior writer for FiveThirtyEight. @ameliatd

Geoffrey Skelley is a senior elections analyst at FiveThirtyEight. @geoffreyvs

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