Scientists Broadcasting New Radio Message to Aliens, Updated ‘Arecibo’
Alien Life
Is There Anybody Out There?!?
Scientists Sending New Message to Space
4/4/2022 7:54 AM PT
If alien life is out there in this great, big universe, we’re doing our best to reach it with a new message — and this time, it’s got some algebra attached. Just in case they’re big on math.
NASA is partnering with some of the country’s top scientific minds in hopes of broadcasting a new radio message via a high-tech telescope — very similar to what we did in 1974 from a telescope in Puerto Rico (then called the “Arecibo”).
Not to get all math-y on ya, but that message to the stars only included binary code, plus some images of our Solar System and DNA sequences. This time, we’re calling it the Beacon in the Galaxy message — and we’re kicking things up a notch by transmitting math equations.
There will be other graphical information communicating some basic principles and features of our world … including cosmic landmarks that could help aliens find Earth in the Milky Way.
Sounds neat, of course, especially if some E.T.s actually pick up our signal and respond — but this sort of reaching out actually spurred a warning from the late, great Stephen Hawking … who once said we should refrain from chatting, and to do more listening instead.
The reason — he said not all potential alien life might come in peace, and if they’re able to receive what we send, they can presumably come down here and do major damage with way more advanced tech than we have.
Welp … we’re rolling the dice. Aliens, here we come!!!