Tuesday, February 25, 2025
World News

Thursday In House News

 Thursday feels good!—Hailings!


How una dey?I am here battling with backpains from sleeping on a new bad bed……….Please dont let your thoughts wander anywhere.

Let me get straight to the point..The updates from the business giveaway some of you referred to are outdated updates so it is difficult for me doing this list so i will go slow…..

Most of the Applicants want to start a new business but i dont believe this money can do that, some of una just want to collect and chop….

Anyway it is 12 people for 200k each and i have 5 names from the list of 12 and will continue to search until we get to the 100k list….I will get back to Angel star on if i should give non continuity businesses..LOL

OK Here goes… The first list for 200k recipients are

-Joan Alexis

-Omotola Brianna

-Essa Atelier


Miss Aboki


Please send me your account details at night on whatsapp me…..

The remaining six names for this category will be posted when i complete it….Your rants complaining may not be enabled if it contains curse or swear words…You are allowed to complain but dont insult anyone cos its not your money….Complain with your ID  if possible.

Have a nice day….


Managing End of Term/Session Stress For Teachers.

1. Set a Positive Mindset, and prioritize Self care
2. Streamline your task and begin them early enough. Break down larger tasks into smaller ones
3. Collaborate and Delegate Some responsibilities to your students
4. Plan few activities you enjoy and incorporate in your task.
5. Seek help / Support Where the need arises.
Credit : Truth For Teachers

Thank you so much Teacher Nkechi….


-Psychology says, pretending to be happy when you are in pain, is just an example of how strong you are as a person.
-Venustraphobia is the fear of beautiful women.
-The key to happiness and success: Dream big, work hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with good people.
-Cryptomnesia is when a memory is hidden from your consciousness.
-A high GPA looks good on paper, but networking and building friendships is what gets you a job.

from whatsapp circulation


Before you rent any house and you want to know if flood dey enter the compound, No trust your agent. No trust your landlord. Come on your own one day and look for a woman with this kind shape in that area…you wil hear the whole truth. She go tell you everything you need to know and even tell you about the landlord and his wife. Copied

When i saw this i laughed so hard…I am still laughing so bad and cant get over this…Nigerians are awesome with creating content..Infact i cant stop laughing!!!



E-Jazz News