Uganda: Drought in Kayunga Raises Fear of Possible Hunger

The prolonged dry spells in Kayunga have raised fears of possible hunger in the district.

Many farmers say they have not been able to harvest after the dry spell frustrated their crops.

Three sub counties of Galiraaya, Bbaale, and Kayonza in Kayunga district are now struggling with a prolonged drought which has crippled normal agricultural produce with most crops such as maize all dried up in the gardens.

The situation has forced some locals to sell off animals to devise means of survival.

“We no longer have water to irrigate our crops, we are now selling off our cattle to maintain our families at home”, Kibuuka, one of the locals said.

To address the matter, government has initiated a small scale irrigation system in the drought stricken sub counties to allow some farmers practice irrigation.

Irumba Zubedah, who is the Kayunga District engineer said that so far, 19 farmers have received and tested the irrigation equipment.

“Many people are going to receive the equipment but so far 19 have received in their farmer’s groups to help them execute their duties in the gardens” Zubeda said

However, there are fears that even with the irrigation schemes, farmers in the area are still unable to raise required funds.

“We are collectively working with the government for everyone to acquire equipment but some farmers in the area are still getting challenges to raise the required funds,” Zubeda added.

E-Jazz News