Cardi B Says All These Celebs Talking About Not Showering Makes Her ‘Itchy’

So was Cardi B. “Wassup with people saying they don’t shower?” she tweeted on Tuesday (August 10) after hygiene hiatuses became a trend, with actress Kristen Bell revealing that she too is a “big fan of waiting for the stink” when it comes to bathing the her daughters, because, after all, “that’s biology’s way of letting you know you need to clean it up.”

“It’s giving itchy,” Cardi added, along with a skeptical face emoji, once again saying what we were all thinking.

For the record, Jake Gyllenhaal joined the B.O. bunch, telling Vanity Fair that “more and more I find bathing to be less necessary.” Perhaps Cardi can cure her case of the itchies by finding solace in the words of the nation’s premiere soap-loving action star: The Rock.

“Nope, I’m the opposite of a ‘not washing themselves celeb,” he tweeted last week after the downpour of hygiene hiatuses. “Shower (cold) when I roll outta bed to get my day rollin’. Shower (warm) after my workout before work. Shower (hot) after I get home from work. Face wash, body wash, exfoliate and I sing (off key) in the shower.”

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