Monday, March 3, 2025

Record FM’s DJ Shiru Fills Club Ambiance To The Brim!

Veteran DJ also Dance Floor show host on 97.7 Record FM yesterday filled Bukesa-based club ambiance to full capacity!

DJ Shiru who was having his 2019 edition of the annual Shirumatic experience held his first of the three events at Club ambiance where the venue was almost filled as early 8PM.

At the event that saw Shiru show case the Rane 12 turntable machine there was excitement and enjoyment all throughout the event as people kept on their toes till the wee hours. According to him, he always wants to bring something new every year and he’s not about to drop the trend.

DJ Shiru got onto the stage a few hours past midnight after a lengthy performance of several artistes like Spice Diana, Voltage music, King Saha among others.

He continues the journey today in Masaka at Forkland and tomorrow at Ice Lounge Mbarara. While doing his show at Record FM DJ Shiru revealed that this could be his first phase of the Shirumatic Experience that will be followed by a series of them spreading out to the different regions of the country.

E-Jazz News