Vancouver Memorial Day Observance to be held May 31

This year’s event will have limited attendance and adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines. CVTV will film and air the event

The Vancouver tradition of honoring those who made the final sacrifice for their country will be commemorated, on Memorial Day 2021. This year’s event will have limited attendance and adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines. CVTV will film and air the event. 

The Vancouver tradition of honoring those who made the final sacrifice for their country will be commemorated, on Memorial Day 2021. This year's event will have limited attendance and adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines. CVTV will film and air the event. Photo courtesy Community Military Appreciation Committee
The Vancouver tradition of honoring those who made the final sacrifice for their country will be commemorated, on Memorial Day 2021. This year’s event will have limited attendance and adhere to all COVID-19 guidelines. CVTV will film and air the event. Photo courtesy Community Military Appreciation Committee

Southwest Washington’s Memorial Day Observance will be hosted by the Community Military Appreciation Committee (CMAC) and its partners the city of Vancouver, Clark County, National Park Service and The Historic Trust.

• When:  Mon., May 31, 11 a.m. to Noon

• Where: Fort Vancouver Artillery Barracks, 600 Hatheway Rd, Vancouver

The ceremony will feature comments from Meredith McMackin, a Gold Star mother who lost her son in Iraq. Additional speakers include Anne McEnerny-Ogle, Vancouver Mayor and Gary Medvigy, Clark County Councilor and Tracy Fortmann, National Park Service Superintendent.

Music will be provided by Officer Rey Reynolds and the 204th Army Band. Following the ceremony, the official party will lay a wreath at the Clark County War Memorial where taps and a rifle salute will be performed. The Memorial Day Observance is underwritten through an annual sponsorship from Waste Connections.

CMAC is an all-inclusive committee composed of members representing youth, education, civic, military, veterans groups and local governments. Its objective is to preserve and promote military history; recognize veterans and military families for their contributions to our nation; assist and support veterans, deployed military and their families; recognize community and national events and make recommendations or take action on any other subject, pertaining to the well-being of veterans and military families. 

For more information about CMAC or this event, please contact Marlene Varga (360-600-7950 or or Retired Army Colonel Larry Smith (360-896-8656 or  Visit our website at

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