Monday, March 3, 2025

Weasel Dumps Brian White Over Disrespect, Plans For A Vacation In USA.

Weasel Manizo has through his management cut partnership ties with socialite Bryan White reasoning that he was disrespected.

This follows a video that made rounds on social media showing Bryan White at an event calling Weasel in a quite disrespectful manner that did left the public okay with it.

According to his management, Weasel is supposed to respect and partner with fellow Artistes, Business people and Entities with an agenda of developing one another as a part of nation buillding.

“Unfortunately, this has not been met with our current client Brian White Foundation.” reveals the management.

According to the management, this is ashaming for Weasel and his fans  as well as partners and its the reason for calling off any ties with Bryan White.

“Its from this that we halt any business dealing or community social responsibility that we have been engaging in with its founder and the foundation as a whole with immediate effect.” reads a letter that Weasel’s management copied to us.

They further added that the Ragga machine as he prefers being called will be heading to the United States for a vacation after he lost his brother Mowzey Radio.

Weasel has however not yet come out to say anything  about Bryan White’s behavior amidst all the yells from the public.

E-Jazz News