Thursday, March 13, 2025

Be Yo’ Dream Campaign Inspiring The Youth To Achieve Their Dreams.

Many youths have failed to get to their dream careers for various reasons. Among these reasons is, limited funds, resources and adequate information among others.

However one of the greatest barriers is lack of support and motivation to the lads. Several youths tend to get offtrack amidst their efforts to get to their dreams especially dream careers. This happens when they stop looking at the dreams and get looking at the destruction from money, relationships, and probably discourage from the immediate people. In the long run they end up in positions far from their careers or at worst they end up no where. Several youth’s are also demotivated by hear-says about their dream careers where they are made to thin its only science related careers that count.

This is the reason for which “Be Yo’ Dream” movement has been formed; to take care of all these barriers in a bid to see youths making it in their desired careers. At “Be Yo’ Dream” it is believed that every legal career can earn someone a living. Right from Dance, Music, Modelling and Make Up among others. It however depends on the efforts that one puts into their dream-chasing race.

Be Yo’ Dream with there slogan “Take The Lead” intend to entertainingly  inspire the youths, motivate them and give them assistance where possible so as to see them get to their dream careers through several interactions, workshops and trainings among others at zero cost!

In its early stages, “Be Yo’ Dream” is already impacting youth’s lives as many have got the self confidence to believe that they can still survive on their talents and careers about which the are passionate.

It however continues to encourage the youths to focus on studies as all the services and activities are based on education grounds.

Through their Facebook platform: Be Yo’ Dream which is currently the most popular, Be Yo’ Dream is rendering free inspiration and motivation to the youths and several beneficiaries are testifying.


E-Jazz News