Arnold & Sly Give Their Picks for Mt. Rushmore of Action Heroes


Arnold & Sly
Here are Our Picks for Mt. Rushmore of Action Heroes

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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone have dibs on 2 of the 4 spots on the Mt. Rushmore of action heroes … but who are the other 2?

Arnold and Sly sat down with Harvey for a new FOX special, airing tonight (Tuesday) at 8 PM/7 Central, to talk about their intense rivalry that eventually turned into a close friendship.

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Arnold’s pick for the 3rd spot is interesting … not necessarily top of mind, but when you hear it it makes a lot of sense.

Sly’s pick for the remaining spot is a beloved actor who definitely earned his stripes as an action star extraordinaire. Check out the video!

Entertainment mt rushmore action stars

Sly and Arnold have never sat down together before to talk about things they did to each other back in the day to topple the other, and each talk about things they did the other had never heard. It’s fascinating … and at times, downright psychological.

“this publication Presents Arnold & Sly: Rivals, Friends, Icons” airs Tuesday at 8 PM/7 Central on FOX.

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