Prophet Elvis Mbonye IS Jesus – Fading Gospel Rapper Ruyonga Says It Again!

Following an incident where social media was got awash of  insults and discussions about rapper Edwin Ruyonga’s behavior, he’s come out to re affirm his statements with more bold ones.

It is remembered that Ruyonga came out and referred to his Prophet Elvis Mbonye to “This Generation’s Jesus” a post the cause mixed reactions.

“I see no difference between my father Prophet Elvis Mbonye and Jesus, really. Happy Birthday Greatest Prophet of our generation, an awesome revelation of our Lord and King Jesus,  Ehh but Prophet Elvis Mbonye is a HARD guy” he posted.

After this , he has today morning come up with a fresh post to re-affirm his words.

“Good morning. The post I made on Prophet’s birthday was abit vague, so I’ll clarify.

Prophet Elvis Mbonye IS Jesus, made visible. He is the Holy Spirit, made audible. And He is God himself made accessible. He is the highest if not only voice of authority empowered by God on this ENTIRE planet, and his is the only God and the only Jesus i ascribe to. I boldly and gladly dispute the existence or authenticity of any other.

This is a love message.” he posted today.

Below is a screenshot of his post.

Ruyonga’s Intentions are not yet clear but all we know is that he is having a concert dubbed “Ruyonga Live ” on 14th April.